I don't know if you remember a few months ago me talking about needing to go see an ob gyn. You can refer back to
this post. I hadn't gone in 2-3 years (I know that's awful) and wanted to go for routine follow but also for preconception check up. I was contemplating about which ob gyn to see. Well, I finally saw one recently but what it came down to was cost. I opted to stay within the University Hospital system that I work in (as far as the ob gyn that I see) instead of seeing my friend or another physician at her "posh" practice. Call me cheap but I don't regret it. 100% of the cost was taken care of--and I like that.
Anyway, I hate going to ob gyn visits almost as much as I hate going to the dentist but I figured it was a necessary evil. Especially if I wanted to make sure I was on the right track (just in case I was to get pregnant). And, I must say that my experience wasn't so bad after all. I had to get blood drawn to check a varicella titer since I've never had the chicken pox. This was probably one of the worse parts. I hate sharp objects piercing my skin...creeps me out (even if it's a teeny tiny butterfly needle).
Per my ob gyn I don't need to make any changes as of right now...except to decrease the intensity of my exercise routine if I do become pregnant. Also...
-I need to eat more fruits and veggies (but she didn't say that).
-I've been on prenatal vitamins for over 6 months and the ones I'm taking are good during pregnancy too. (this is great since they are the cheap Walmart brand)
-I take Omega 3, 6, 9 (one pill that my husband insists I take) which is also ok in pregnancy.
-I'm on a few allergy meds which are safe during pregnancy. I'm not convinced so I will continue to be non compliant with them. (unless my eyes are swollen shut, I start wheezing or I'm so congested that I feel my head will explode).
-I need to cut back on the sweets. This has been out of control since my vacation last week. I've got this ridiculously raging sweet tooth that's intermittent.
Oh yeah, I had to be weighed at the ob gyn's office and I was not happy with the number. This further reinforces my not wanting to weigh myself. Remember I hadn't weighed myself in months prior to this. Although I know I'm not obese or even overweight I miss seeing 120-something pounds on the scale. My husband tells me all the time that weight doesn't matter but what does matter is "overall health and how you look naked in the mirror." He is so funny but I think he's right. I do feel better and I've been more consistent with my workouts and eating better and that is what matters. Besides I'm more muscular now than I was then or at least that's what I tell myself. LOL. I'm really trying to get over this complex before I have kids, especially daughters.
By the way, you may remember me saying that we are not TTC (trying to conceive) but we would be fine if we got pregnant. I'm not sure what they call where hubby and I are at but I'm calling it NPC (not preventing conception).
What do you think?
I will probably be posting more pregnancy prep related posts in the future since I'm heading in that direction (in life) right now.
Mrs. K