Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Memory Lane

I got the idea to do this survey from one of the blogs I follow, OK Dani.  I mainly blog about my kiddo lately, but I thought it would be nice to blog about something else for a change. 
1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before? Gave birth to my beautiful baby boy.  Completed year 1 of 2 of my fellowship.  Function surprisingly well despite chronic sleep deprivation.

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't make resolutions.  I have short and long term goals that I make throughout the year.  I actually purposefully avoiding making new year's resolutions.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? I had my first baby.  My uncle and his wife had a baby girl.  My aunt in Jamaica had a baby boy.  My male cousin in Jamaica had a baby girl.  A few of my co-workers and hubby's co-workers had babies.  A few of my blogging buds had babies.

4. Did anyone close to you die? Unfortunately, yes.  My maternal grandma died on Thanksgiving day (unexpected in Jamaica).  My husband's paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather died.  One of our friends (early 30s, had a baby this year) died a few months ago.  It's been a challenging year when it came to losing family and friends.

5. Did you visit anywhere exciting? We rented a cabin over the summer for a few days with our little baby.  My mother was with us so she kept the baby while we hiked and went white water rafting.  We also hung out in the mountains of Highlands, NC for a few days too (later in the year).  We visited family in Florida for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It's always great seeing family.

6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012? MORE SLEEP.  Balancing my life better.  More alone time with my husband. A real vacation (maybe with hubby alone--still trying to decide about that one).  Better diet.  An exercise routine.  I guess I want a lot, huh?

7. What date from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? February 4--the date my little boy was born.  He came 8 days early but I was so happy to see my healthy bundle of joy (and energy).
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Having my son!
9. What was your biggest mistake? Giving in to mommy guilt.  Not realizing earlier that many things in life (especially challenges) are seasonal.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? No but I had a medical scare.  After my 6 week postpartum check up I was told I had cervical dysplasia (precancerous cells on pap smear).  A repeat was done a few months later which was completely normal.  Apparently, it's not completely uncommon for abnormal cells to show up on pap smear postpartum due to scar tissue from delivery.  When I first heard the news all I could think of was my baby being without his mommy (I know, I'm a bit dramatic).   Anyway, I'm very thankful it was nothing.

11. What was the best thing you bought? Besides the Baby Bjorn baby carrier that I toted my little one in for months, I would say the I-pad I bought for my grandma.  She can Facetime us, take pics, receive pics listen to her favorite radio stations and other music, play games, make videos.  She was very happy to receive it.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? My baby boy and my baby daddy.  LOL.  My son is so awesome.  He's a joy.  He's sweet and smiley, cuddly and wiggly, giggly and a ball of energy.  I just love watching him achieve his milestones and explore his environment.  It amazes me that he behaves so well, especially in public.  I love that kid.  My husband has also been awesome.  I feel very blessed.  He's a great husband and a wonderful father.  I couldn't ask for more.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? A few news events were appalling. No one in my personal life.

14. Where did most of your money go in 2011? TAXES and educational debt.  Kidding.  Well, not really.  We bought a lot of baby stuff too.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? MY BABY and being the best mom I could be.  I was so excited about expanding our family and meeting the new addition.  I must say that all the excitement was not in vain.  He was so worth waiting for.  He's just lovely.

16. What song will always remind you of 2012? I unfortunately don't have one.  I was thinking really hard but couldn't come up with anything.

17. Compared to this time last year, you are: More comfortable because I'm not big and pregnant.  No longer nauseated because I'm not pregnant.  Not experiencing indigestion because I'm not pregnant.  More sleep deprived despite not being pregnant (thanks to my rugrat).  Still disorganized (pregnancy brain has turned into mommy brain).

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Sleep.  Spend time with my extended family.  Exercise.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Worrying about everything (man, being a new mom makes an already neurotic person really crazy).
20. How did you spend Christmas? With my extended family in Orlando.  It was great celebrating baby K's first Christmas.  I am so thankful for all that I've been blessed with.

21. Did you fall in love in 2012? YES, with my baby boy.  It was instant.  I'm still in love.  I love looking in those big brown eyes of his :)

22. What was your favorite TV program? I don't usually watch TV but this year after we put baby K to bed, we've been watching Law and Order SVU and NCIS (old and new).  We hardly let the little guy watch TV but the few times it's on, it's on Nick Jr.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Nope!

24. What was the best book you read? Sadly, I don't usually read for leisure.  In the past the answer would be some school related book.  This time it's Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, MD.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? XM radio.

26. What did you want and get? A healthy little boy.  I also got joy and peace.  A new SUV.

27. What did you want and not get? Nothing really, I'm pretty content.  It feels good to be content.

28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 30, I can't remember.  My baby was 2 months old.  I was sleep deprived.

29. What’s one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? I wouldn't change a thing, not even my losses and challenges.  Actually, that's not true.  It would have been better if I worried less.

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012? The year started out with me being big and pregnant in my third trimester.  My go-to outfit were dresses (which looked like shirts on my pregnant body), tights and boots.  Immediately post pregnancy I was able to fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans but I wore bigger, baggier shirts.  The year ended with me wearing more dresses and skirts, colorful skinny pants, and more fitted shirts.

31. What kept you sane? Prayer and my faith.  My husband.  My family and their prayers.  Having a reliable loving caregiver for my child.  Having a flexible and understanding boss.

32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? None really.

33. What political issue stirred you the most? I'm not very political.  And if I was, I probably wouldn't comment about my opinion on this blog or any other public forum.

34. Who do you miss the most? My mother.  I wish she lived in the US but I know she loves living in Jamaica.

35. Who was the best new person you met? My son, obviously.  My life will never be the same, which is good.

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012? I have to do what's best for my family (which sometimes mean disappointing nonfamily members, seeming rude, reminding others of how valuable my time is, being less OCD, being more chill)
37. What are your new years resolutions for 2013? I don't make new year's resolutions but I do make short and long term goals throughout the year.

Mrs. K

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Baby K: Month 10


Week 38 Part 2 to week 41 Part 1:

-You are becoming more confident with you motor skills.  You continue to cruise but you now you do it with confidence and style.  You swing from one piece of furniture to the next without hesitating.  You also stand up and let go of whatever you were holding on to without thinking twice.  You sometimes go from that position to a controlled seated position.  It's so amazing to see you grow, get stronger and become more coordinated.  Although you are an expert crawler, you're favorite way to travel is still to be carried around in my arms.  But sometimes you do squirm and demand that I put you down so that you can explore.
-You startle so easily and when this occurs your whole body jerks.  Nowadays you've been a little more careful with strange (new) objects and people. You approach with caution but then relax pretty soon after you realize it's safe.
-Baths are still fun.  Lots of splish-splashing.  Lots of laughter.  Lots of fighting with me for the washcloth.  Lots of playing with the bath toys.  Lots of trying to climb out of the bath tub.  Lots of me trying to prevent you from tipping over the tub.
-Thanksgiving with Nonna and Bumbum was great.  You had fun hanging out with your cousins.  You were the youngest but you tried your best to keep up with everyone.  You got to meet your great grandpa (daddy's granddaddy).  He was impressed by how active and smart you are.  You were so fun to watch pushing his walker around the house.  You were very clingy to daddy and I.  You didn't want anyone to hold you or even feed you at first but you eventually warmed up.  Your cousins love you so much and you love them too (especially Maddie).  Your dad and I went to the FSU vs. Florida game while you hung out with Nonna.  You liked eating her turkey and rice, sweet potatoes, turnip greens, eggs, and more.  We drove to Florida and you tolerated the trip fairly well.  Oh, you loved playing with Luna although you were rough with her at times.  You also liked sharing your food with her and chasing her down
-You've been using one of the push toys while walking.  It's so funny to watch you walk with it.
-You're a wild little guy who loves to climb stairs.  If I turn my head for a second you quickly crawl to the stairs and hurry up them before I could catch you.  It's funny watching you rush because you obviously know that you're not supposed to go.  You can actually climb all 15? steps without any assistance.  Of course I'm there right behind you every time you attempt to climb.
-Babbling has been non stop.  You call me mama (sometimes nana).  You call daddy dada.  You call the dog, Eliza (da or lala).
-Nonna taught you how to wave.  You put your right hand up and hold it there.  It's so cute.  Sometimes you babble something with your hand in the air.
-You're not walking yet but you've taken one step then sat down (several times).
-You like to "sing" along to songs AND dance to music.  You kick your leg and rock back and forth.  It's by far the best moves I've ever seen.  You are so full of life.  You just bring us so much joy.
-Opening and closing closets is a hobby of yours.  You also like closing doors.  You're a lot like your dad in that respect.  I leave things open and he goes behind me and close everything.
-You like to feed yourself.  You're a pro at eating finger foods but you also eat the pureed stuff too.  I tried feeding you avocado again and you refuse to eat it.  I just don't understand why because they are so yummy.  You like tofu.  I cut it in small squares and sautee it in a little oil and garlic. 
-I think you'll be a leader one day.  You have such a STRONG personality.  This was quite evident at Thanksgiving.  You absolutely refused to let anyone feed you when your dad and I were around.  Even if you were very hungry you outright refused to eat.  You just cried and wiggled out of their arms.  Once your dad or I hold you, then you eat.  It was pretty amazing to watch.  I couldn't believe it.
-You like imitating.  You imitate facial expressions, gestures, sounds.  It's so cute.
-Peek-a-boo is a favorite of yours.  You like when I hide then pop up out of nowhere.  You also try to hide under teddy bears and blankies and sometimes toilet paper.  Speaking of toilet paper, you like unrolling toilet paper and eating it.
-Your smile and laugh is contagious.  Everyone says that you are the most smiley baby they have ever met.  Your smile stretches from ear to ear.  Your show your biggest smile with your 2 pearly whites when your dada walks in the room.
-When you get excited you kick your legs and squeal.
-You look like such an angel when you're sleeping.  Your long eyelashes wiggle and your little lips poke out.  You are still sleeping great at night.  After your bedtime feeding you just pass out.  You go to bed around 730 and wake up at 630.  You don't even make a peep all night.  Sometimes your dad and I want to go in your room and snuggle with you but we know that probably wouldn't be wise
-We just love watching you grow!  We just love you!

Mrs. K

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Baby K: Month 9

Happy 9th month birthday.  Here's a recap of month 8th.

Week 35 Part 2:
- We went to a farm this weekend with Abby and Jamison.  We had a lot of fun.  You played in a room full of corn.  You kept trying to put the corn in your mouth.  You were successful once with getting one in your mouth and I had to go fishing for it.  Thankfully, I was able to get it.   We then moved on and walked a little maze made out of hay.  We also went on a hayride to a corn maze.  The corn maze was a lot bigger than the other maze.  You fell asleep while we were in the maze and on the hayride back.  We also got to see a few farm animals--mainly bunnies and cows.  We also picked out a pumpkin, which we brought home.  Overall it was a fun day.
-I love watching you.  You just get into everything.  Everything grabs your interest.  It's just amazing to see how much you've progressed.  It's unbelievable.
-This week you ate raisins.  You also ate your first popsicle.  It was cherry flavored and it turned your lips bright red.  The dogs enjoyed it too--they were licking up whatever fell out of your mouth and on to the ground.  Eliza was licking your fingers when you were done and you loved it.  You could not stop laughing.  You've also been chowing down on the little puff snacks.
-I love hearing your laughter.  It's like music to my hears.  It immediately turns a bad day into a good one.

Week 36
-You are so much fun.  I'm chasing you around the house these days and you think it's so funny.
-You are pretty confident in your crawling skills and you just go.  You have also mastered pulling yourself to a stand.  Now you are doing some cruising.  You are also pretty good at controlling sitting down (from a standing position)
-Uncle J came to visit this week (your dad's brother).  It was his first time seeing you and I think he really enjoyed you.  Initially you had a bit of stranger anxiety with him but you warmed up slowly and eventually did ok
-Bedtime is usually strict around here but we were more flexbile
-We went to a funeral this week and it was pretty sad.  You met the 5 month old baby of the mother who died.  Hopefully you guys will be friends some day.
-I love how you sink your head deep into your chest (until I can't see your neck) then start cracking up.
-You are Mr. Curious and crawl out of my sight sometimes to explore.  You also go into cabinets and take out items if the doors are open.

Week 37
-I feel so blessed.  I couldn't ask you to sleep any better.  I put you to bed around 730/8pm and you don't wake up or even fuss until after 6am.  It's been a good sleep week and I've been trying to take advantage of it but going to bed early.
-In addition to crawling and pulling yourself to a stand, you also let go and stay standing without support for a max of 10 seconds.  It's cool to see you standing there without support.  You are also cruising more.
-Although you still cling to me, you are getting much better with hanging out with daddy while I'm home.  If I'm not home you don't even remember me but if I'm there, you fuss so that you can be with me.
-This week we played peek-a-boo and you loved it.  It was cool to watch you search for the toy under a blanket after I hid it.  You got so excited when you found it each time.  You also try to stack rings on a toy after I show you how to do it.  You're a smart cookie.
-When I'm doing something in the kitchen you crawl over to me and pull up on my legs when you want my attention.  Sometimes you just want me to acknowledge you and other times you want to be picked up.
-You think blueberries and raisins are yummy.  I pick the raisins out of my cinnamon raisin bread and give them to you.
-Your hair is growing a lot and is still bone straight.  I guess it may not get curly.

Week 38
-You continue to be so much fun although I can see that you're pretty strong-willed.  When you have your mind set on something, there's no turning back.  You grunt and growl and screech to get your way.  It's amazing that only a few months ago you were a newborn and could not even hold your head up.
-Now you are crawling, pulling self to stand, letting go and standing for a long time. You're also cruising.
-I think you like your freedom but you also make sure mommy or daddy is close by.  You'll explore but crawl really fast back to us for some comfort and security.
-I love that not-so-toothless grin.  I thought that your toothless smile was the best but this takes the cake.  Those 2 teeth at the bottom of your mouth are soooo cute.
-You still like to open cabinets and check out what's inside.
-We bought you an activity table this week.  Initially you were afraid of it but you adjusted pretty quickly and now you love it.  It plays about 50 fun songs while teaching you Spanish and a few other cool activities (like counting, ABCs, colors, etc).
-You love it when we blow on your tummy, nibble on your toes, tickle your whole body.  You hate it when we wipe your noes.
-The highlight of this week is you licking the glass door from the inside while Eliza (our doggie) was licking it from the outside.  It was the cutest thing ever.

Week 39 Part 1 
-You love cruising, flashing your pearly whites and gummy gums, pulling up to stand while holding on to my leg, babbling (especially saying mama and dada), and eating good food.
-You are sleeping so good.  Your mommy and daddy really appreciates that.
-Your dad wanted me to mention that you picked up a roach and almost ate it.  I stopped you before it happened and scoured your hand.  Everything still goes in your mouth.  It's so funny because you cruise around the kitchen and get on your tippie toe trying to get the cabinet knobs in your mouth.
-You are super friendly (even to strangers after you've warmed up to them). 
-You went to your first birthday party this week.  You had a good time although you were the youngest.  It was a Thomas (the train) theme.  You rode on a train in the neighborhood the party was held.
-I've noticed that you've been dancing some.  It's so cute.  Whenever you hear music you dance if you're standing or rock back and forth.  You also tried to sing the song.  You are so funny.
-Talking about being funny, you've got a good sense of humor already.  You are goofey like your mommy and daddy.  You are so smiley and sweet.  I just love your personality (and everyone who encounters you love it too).

Mrs. K

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby K: Month 8

Happy 8th month Birthday.  Here's what happened month 7.

Week 31 Part 2:
-Your development is just amazing.  Just 2 days ago you were crawling military style mainly and also getting on all 4's, pushing off then get on your belly.  Starting Wednesday of this week you've officially crawled (long distance on all 4's without belly touching ground).  I cannot believe how things progress so quickly.  On Thursday you continue to crawl all over, climb over mommy.  The highlight of this day was watching you crawl across the room to your bouncer, get on your knees, then pull yourself to a standing position.  Holy cow!  I was shocked and so proud of you.  I kept having you do it over and over and you were happy to oblige.
-Still a great sleeper at night.  Daytime naps are better.  You take two long naps during the daytime now.
-Eating has been good. This week your favorite foods are apples and still bananas.  You also like the butternut squash I made you.
-You fuss a little less if I'm not in your sight.  You still fuss a little when you watch me walk out of a room but then you settle quickly.  You also seem to not want to be picked up as much.  You still crawl over to me wanting to be picked up and enjoy being held.  But now you also wiggle out of my hand to go play with something on the floor.  It's nice that you want to explore your surroundings but then come back to check in with me
-Your home daycare provider loves you.  She's like a grandma to you which is neat since we don't live close to family.  You also continue to get along well with your peers at the daycare
-We took pix at JC Penny's this week.  You looked so cute in you pumpkin onesie and your little golfer looking outfit.
-Thank God you are getting over your cold.  It was hard for me to watch you looking so uncomfortable (with runny, stuffy nose).  Even though you were not feeling your best, you were still a champ.  You are just such a delight.

Week 32
-You still do not like avocado.  I've tried mixing it with other foods that you like but you just gag and then spit it out.  I guess I'll have to wait until you are much older to revisit it with you.
-We have toys in several rooms in the house (but contained, kind of) and you love them all.  It's cool to watch you explore the various toys and learn to manipulate them
-This week you were successful at using the pincer grasp a few times. 
-You are doing lots of babbling.  You love saying "dada."
-You are still so sweet and smiley.  You laugh at everything, especially when you dada plays peekaboo with you or blows on your tummy.
-You still like baths but they are getting difficult since you're such a wiggle bug.  You keep standing up in the tub or try to crawl out.  You get so distracted easily at times and then other times you are hyperfocused on a particular thing and it's difficult to distract you.
-I've been letting you go without a diaper as much as you can (so you can be "free" and relaxed).  Well 3 times this week you peed on the bathroom floor.  I may need to not let you go "free" for a little while.
-You are even more mobile this week.  You crawl pretty far distances on all 4's.  You are also constantly pulling up on some furniture so that you can stand.  I'm amazed by how strong you are.
-Diaper changes and getting you dressed are also difficult. You wiggle all over the place and I have to be creative to keep you fairly still.  You also do this while nursing too.
-You go wild and crazy when you are in your jumper.  You shake the whole thing when you're in it.  You also like your toy with the pop-up animals and the stacking rings.   You love to crawl over mommy and daddy.  You love to jump up and down in our arms.  You also love to watch the dogs and sometimes you reach out to touch them.

Week 33
- You are a wile chile like yo poppa.  Kidding but you are all over the place even more this week.  You've been a little wiggle bug that is very hard for me to contain.  I find myself chasing you trying to get your shirt over your head and your pants on.  When I'm drying you off after your nighttime bath, you crawl to the corner of the bed.  Diaper changes are a big adventure, for you.
-This week we tried strawberries.  The ones you tried aren't very sweet so you make the "lemon face" every time you get your first 1-2 spoonfuls.  So cute.  You are also enjoying the food combos (for example strawberry/mango)
-You are "real" crawling so much AND fast.  You also love pulling yourself to a stand.  You even go up to the wall and try to pull yourself up.  Surprisingly you're even successful doing that, although there's no place for you to grab hold of.
-Crawling is good overall, you are getting more independent.  You are also more interested in your toys and environment and less interested in being held.  You still crawl over to me at times for me to pick you up (which I do) but within minutes you are ready to go back to crawling.  This means that mommy can do more since her hands are free.  Challenge with crawling is that mommy has to have 10 eyes, including eyes on the sides and back of her head.  You are still unaware of dangerous situations so I have to watch you carefully.  Of course, you've had a few bumps and bruises already but nothing serious.
-This was another good daycare week.  You are taking a liking to Ms. Thelma and she sure does love you too.  No more fussing when I drop you off.  You still reach for me when I pick you up but not instantly.  You seem to be having a good time whenever I drop by.
-Sleep continues to be great except for one day this week when you decided to wake up at 11pm and cry then fall asleep standing in your crib, cry some more, and refuse to sit or lay down.  I don't know what what going on but I hope we don't have a repeat.
-You love to use mommy and daddy as obstacle courses to maneuver.  You giggle so hard when your dad tickles your tummy or even looks at you.  You two are so goofy together.  I love to watch you guys interacting.

Week 34
-This week we start half breast milk/half formula because mommy can't keep up with your intake.  It's also tough because sometimes you don't seem interested in nursing.  I'm hoping to continue giving breast milk for a year.  We'll see how that goes.
-You are getting more interested in the details of your environment.  This week you became interested in an ant and chased it down.  It's really neat because you didn't really care about this last week.  You've also been swatting at little marks that you see on the floor.
-We went to Jordan Lake again this week.  I got out early one day and picked you up early from daycare.  Daddy was still working so he couldn't join us.  We had a good time.  It was great watching you dig your toes in the sand and wiggle the sand through your fingers.  You also tried to eat the sand several times.  We also dipped your feet in the water.
-You are still babbling dada but I can't get you to say mama.  You say a few other syllables too.
-You are still crawling and pulling up on everything (the side of the bath tub, your little infant tub, the furniture, my legs, our standing mirror, the wall, the cabinets.
-You also like to explore what's in the cabinets and the drawers.
-Daycare this week went well.  You had a 3 hour nap one day this week.  You still occasionally fuss when I leave.  You seem pretty happy there and you are well taken care of.
-Bedtime sleep is still great, thank God.  Still go to bed between 630p to 730p and wakes up at 530 to 600.  I feel very blessed although it came at a cost.  We did sleep training with you.  It worked for us and I think it was best for you and us.  I like that you are having consolidated sleep at night.  I think it's good for learning, attention and memory among other things.  Also good sleep habits now means good sleep habits later.
-This week has been cold so it's been fun dressing you in  winter-type gear.
-You are still a fairly good eater.  This week you were introduced to honey dew melon, which you like.
-You are frequently using the pincer grasp.  We practice with the puffs cereal snacks.  Whenever you are successful putting it in your mouth I cheer and you really like that.  If I'm not paying attention and you put one in your mouth, you try to get my attention by babbling loudly...then I cheer.
-Your dad makes you laugh so hard.  He walks in the room and you start laughing.  You hear his voice and you start smiling and looking for him.  It's so sweet.  You have the biggest and best smile I've ever seen.  It brightens my day.
-You are a bit feisty but it's so wonderful to watch your personality develop.  It's also great to watch you express your likes and dislikes.  I also like seeing you slowly develop independence.
-You are still a little clingy at times but I don't mind because I don't get to spend as much time with you as I want because of work.  When I'm with you, I really value the time we have with each other.  I usually don't answer phone calls (especially during your bedtime routine).  I definitely don't talk on the phone for a long time when you are around.

Week 35 Part 1:
- I  love you my sweet little rugrat.   You make my heart melt just thinking about you.  I find myself daydream about you and your gummy smile while I'm at work.  Well, soon your gummy smile will be just a memory because you are starting to sprout your bottom teeth.  Your gums have been swollen for quite some time and you've been drooling for months.  Finally, one day before your 8th month birthday the right bottom tooth burst through the gum.  You weren't particularly fussy or anything.  You are even cuter with that tooth.  It's pretty sharp too.  Hopefully, you'll be nice while nursing.
- You're still crawling all over the place and pulling yourself to a stand.  You've also fallen a lot and even hit your head.  Being the type of person that I am, all these falls make me nervous.  Even though we supervise you and babyproof the house, I can't control everything.

Mrs. K

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our studious little guy

 I don't post many pictures of our little guy around here BUT these were taken at JC Penny's and I wanted to share.  I loved all the pix that were taken but these are some of my favorites.  He's almost 7 months in these.

It was so hard getting him to keep that hat on. 

Mrs. K

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baby K: Month 7

 Happy 7th Month Birthday.  Here's a recap from Month 6

 Week 27:  
-You are still such a good baby with a great temperament.  I'm not just saying that because I love you and you are mine.  You are just smiley, cuddly, giggly and so much more.  You do fuss a little when you want your way or more attention but that's not very often.  You are full of life and laughs.
-This week you've been wearing a lot of hats.  You look so cute in your hats.  You wore the cutest outfit to church that also had a hat (don't wear a hat in church when you get older, ok).  We have different style hats, but I think my favorite is your blue baseball cap.
-I think you know that you should be on your best behavior when you are in public.  Whenever we go shopping or elsewhere, you are so good.  You observe and sit quietly in your stroller or carrier without fussing.  
-This week you, your dad, and I spent some quality time in the hammock.  The hammock is usually where you two chill out on a regular basis but I got to share one of the hammocks with you guys.
-You are doing so much babbling.  I REALLY think you said "dada."  I think you like hearing your voice.  I do too.
-You went for your 6 month check up and you weighed 16 lbs.  You're still a little squirt but you're coming along ok
-You went swimming (kind of) for the first time with daddy this week.  Well initially you just got your feet wet but later I stripped you down into diaper only and you got you entire body wet, except your head.  You seemed to like it but you were a little confused.  I don't think you were used to it.  I bet next time, you'll be very excited.

Week 28
-This week was the first time you spent the night (actually a few days) away from home.  You did pretty well.  We stayed in a cabin the Smoky Mountains in NC (near Asheville).  It was a lot of fun.  Your dad and I and you teenage aunts and uncles went hiking, white water rafting.  We had a great time but you stayed in the cabin with my mom.  I did hike some with you in the Baby Bjorn.  I think you enjoyed being out in nature, hearing the peaceful water from the nearby creek, and just being outdoors in general.  I think you'll be like your dad and love the great outdoors.
-This week you were started on peaches that I made at home.  You like them.  It's so funny because you still make a face whenever we start you on a new food for the first time
-Now you are drinking 5-7 oz breast milk every 3 hours or nursing plus 3 small meals per day.
-You love eating in your high chair.  You are seated by the large kitchen window and you like to watch the dogs "horse play" in between bites.  
-You like the dogs a lot.  We regularly go outside to watch them goof around.  I like watching you turn your head from side to side and follow them with your eyes.  As soon as you see them you start smiling.  You are also very brave and stretch your hand out for them to lick it.
-Sleep is still fairly good.  You go to bed around 6-7p and wake up around 5-6a on average.  You do (sometimes) wake up during the night and fuss for a few minutes then go back to sleep.
-OK you are saying dada and a few other things that sound like real words. It's pretty cool.

Week 29
-This is the last week that you were taken care of exclusively in our home by family.  Next week you start at a home daycare.  I'm dreading it but I know this is what is best for our family at this time.  I think you'll like it.  There are only 2 other kids, the caretaker is sweet, and so are the other kids too.  I'm just having some anxiety about this transition
-This week you are spending more time on all fours and also lunging forward.  I think you'll start to crawl very soon.  You get up on you knees and hands and stay there for a while, then you take one step forward then collapse to your belly.  You're so adorable when you do that.
-You are still Mr. Smiley all the way.  You just brighten everyone's day.  Your dad calls you "ridiculously cute" and I must say I agree.
-You laughs just tickle me.  It's so contagious.  You love when I act goofy to make you laugh.  You also like when I play peek-a-boo with you.
-Earlier this week you were really clingy, mainly wanting me or your dad to hold you but this got better towards the end of the week.  If we put you down for a second you started fussing, even if we were right next to you.  With some distraction and chewy toys you got better.  I've been practicing putting you on the ground more so that you can be more physically active and also so you can start developing some independence. 
-You LOVE baths.  Well, you like pulling yourself to a standing position while in the bath tub as I try to prevent you from falling out.
-This week you had mangoes (homemade).  You liked it a lot.  Making you baby food at home is so easy.  I love doing it.  And I love watching you try all the new flavors.
-I'm still nursing you and giving you expressed breast milk.  Not that you are to know but I'm very excited that you are almost 7 months and I'm still giving you breast milk.  I feel very accomplished and I'm glad I'm doing what is best for you.
-Surprisingly I can tolerate you crying a little better.  I've noticed that this week.  It's still VERY hard and it still makes me anxious but it's not as bad.  I guess I'm starting to get that it's ok for you to cry and not harmful.  I guess I just want you to be happy all the time, but I know that's not realistic.  Your dad tells me all the time.  You'll find out--your dad is a wise man.  :).  No, he didn't pay me to say that.

Week 30
-The biggest milestone this week is starting daycare.  It was a huge deal for both of us but we managed.
-For starters you are at a home daycare with 2 other kiddos (girls).  You caretaker is sweet, kind and caring (which is exactly the type of person we were looking for to care for you).  There was another place that was bigger and more expensive but less personal.  We wanted you to have someone who would grow to love you (quickly) and treat you like family.
-Drop off on the first day was so tough.  It's definitely on the list for the most challenging things I've had to do.  You rode quietly on the 12 minute drive there.  You even dozed off the last 5 minutes.  When we got outside the house, you looked around curiously.  When we entered you did ok.  I handed you off and you started getting fussy.  I stayed with you for a little while as she held you.  You continued to fuss (like you knew what what happening).  I kissed you by and started crying as I walked out the door.  I cried several other times that day and also called to check on you about 3 times.  Your caretaker was very sweet and gently throughout the process.  There was only 1 day this week when you didn't cry but you eventually settle.  I haven't been letting you stay the full day.  I've been picking you up between 3 and 4.  It's so crazy how much I miss you while you are there.  But I feel like you are in good hands.
-This week you are no longer interested in hats.  Well, you don't like them on your head.  You are much more aware when they are there and you rip them right off.  I can still distract you where you forget they are there.
-You got your first real cold this week at daycare.  The two girls were sick and you got what they had--itchy runny nose and some congestion.  Thankfully you haven't had a fever or anything else.  This has made breast feeding more challenging.
-You are mainly eating peaches, mangoes, peas and carrots this week.
-You are still getting on all 4s but only take on step forward before collapsing on your belly.
-You are so active.  I bought you some age appropriate toys and you are so into them.  You wiggle out of my arms to play with them for a few minutes then you fuss to get back in my arms.
-Your dad's grandma passed away this week.  At the end of the week he went to Cincinnati to sing in her funeral.

Week 31 Part 1:
-You are home alone with mommy because daddy is on a medical mission trip in Nicaragua for the entire week. We've been having fun together but we greatly miss him.  You are so cute.  You look around the house trying to find him.  You lean over, looking around me trying to see if you can catch a glimpse of him (but he's not here).
-We've been sending your daddy daily videos of you and every night he begs me to send him more pix of you.  Before he left he said "I'm really gonna miss [Baby K]."  Not his wife but his son.  Just kidding.
-This week you tried pears and apples.  You like both a lot.  I really like making you baby food.  The apples tasted just like applesauce (or even better).
-You are doing so much socially, physically, emotionally.  It's just so amazing.  I just love watching you grow and explore the world.
-Motor: this week I've noticed more that you are picking up tiny objects by scooping with your hand.  You are also unsuccessfully :) trying the pincer grasp.  You try to assist me with feeding by holding on to the spoon.  I've resorted to giving you your own spoon so you can try to feed yourself while I feed you.  Needless to say meal times are messy BUT oh so fun.  You are crawling, although unconventionally.  You still do the military crawl but you also get on all 4s and take one move forward then give up and get on your belly (then repeat).  You have started this week crawling on all 4s but kind of lopsided.  It's the cutest thing ever.  You also do this thing where you try to sit up on your own from being on belly.  You're successful doing this a few times but other times you just topple over.  I laughed the first time you did this and since then you look at me and laugh every time you do it.
-Socially: you interact so much with me and others.  You have the funniest facial expressions.  I think you get that from me.  It's easy to tell your likes and dislikes nowadays.  You also grunt  whenever you want something to go your way.  The best thing is when you try to sing with me when I sing to you or when you hear music.  You also try to talk when you hear me talk sometimes.  It's so adorable.  I think you are developing some separation anxiety because you freak out sometimes when you can't see me however when I'm in the room with you, you go off exploring.
-Emotionally: you are still my sweet and cuddly baby.  You stroke my arm or touch my face when I nurse you.  You like to be held (which can be challenging at times).   You love to laugh out loud, especially when I blow on your belly.  You even start laughing in anticipation of me doing it.
-Week 2 of daycare went well.  Ms. T really likes you.  I think you like her too although you still cry when I leave.  She tells me you settle before I even get to the car (which is good, I guess).  
-You sleep great at night but you have started to boycott day time naps.  We have to work on that.

Overall you have enriched our lives in so many ways and we feel truly blessed to have you.

Mrs. K

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm no Martha Stewart but...

I just love cooking for my baby.  I'm not talking about my big baby (hubby), I'm talking about my little baby (my son).  I wish I loved cooking for hubby and myself.  Anyway, Baby K started solid foods about 2 months ago and it's been an awesome experience for both of us.  I love cooking for him and watching him try the different foods.  I love introducing a new food and looking at his initial reaction to the taste (which is usually hilarious).  That boy is so expressive.

I am more than fulfilling my wishes for him as it pertains to food.  Firstly, I wanted to nurse him but thought I wouldn't be able to because I'm a coward when it comes to pain.  Although the first few weeks of breastfeeding was uncomfortable it got better and now it's so natural to me.  I'm so glad that my little guy is 7 months old and I'm still nursing and giving him expressed milk.  Because I'm working my supply is dwindling but I'm still hanging in there.  My future plan is to do half formula, half breast milk in the future.  Secondly, I've always thought it would be cool to make my own baby food because of cost and because I know exactly what he's getting.  I also like the idea of cooking for my baby.  I didn't think I would be able to do this because of work and other obligations.  Fortunately, I've been able to.  So far my baby has eaten rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, sweet potatoes, avocado (least favorite), green peas, carrot, yellow squash, bananas, prunes, pears, mangoes, peaches, and apples.  Everything except the cereals and the prunes have been prepared at home.  The non-DIY baby foods are store-bought and we mainly use Earth's Best or Plum organic baby food.

So cooking all this stuff is actually not that difficult.  I have to give credit to my little helper (well big helper), the Beaba Babycook.  I love this thing and all those foods (except the bananas of course) were cooked in this little gadget.  It does all the essentials--cooks and purees the food.  It can also defrost frozen foods.  It's pretty neat because I just chop up the fruits or vegetables, put it in there to cook while I'm doing something else, then puree it, then serve or store.

I usually make a week or 2 (the most) at a time and then stick it in the freezer.  I've tried several storage containers including:

I think I like the bottom set the best (from Dr. Brown's) but I use all of them.  We mainly use these spoons (which he also loves to chew on):

The entire spoon is made out of soft silicone so it's very easy on the gums.  It helps that the handle is silicone because sometimes he'll put it in his mouth from the wrong end.  Recently whenever I feed him, I give him his own spoon since he frequently reaches out and grabs the spoon that I'm using.  He wants to help so I give him his own spoon to experiment.  This actually works out great and makes feeding easier because he's not fighting to get my spoon.

To serve food we use several things:

We have also served bananas in these (which keeps him busy in the high chair while I do some other things in the kitchen):

I've discovered that the broth the fruits make after they are cooked usually taste really good (especially the apples).  They taste very similar to juice but of course without all the added "stuff."  I've put a small amount the apple juice (from the fruits that were cooked in the Babycook) in a sippy cup and given it to my baby so that he can get practice using a cup.   I don't like the idea of just giving him plain water or diluting fruit juice.  He actually hasn't had much juice yet because we are just practicing using the cup.  We prefer the Avent sippy cups.  The cover also can be used on the Avent baby bottles that we use.

We also like these bibs the best when serving solid foods:
And of course, meals are more exciting for both of us when it's served in a high chair.  We love our high chair.  I think it's very nice (it was handed down to us by a friend).  Needless to say that I have to clean the high chair and the area around it after almost every meal :).
Of course this is just what we use.  Half the stuff we probably don't need but they make meal time more exciting for us, or maybe just me.  Next week we will try butternut squash and maybe papaya.

Mrs. K

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Update on childcare

So my baby made it out fine the first week of daycare.  Now, I can't say the same for myself.  Just kidding.  The first few days were really rough for both of us.  And it's still difficult but we are improving.  He still cries when I drop him off but I no longer do.  When I drop him off, he fusses and makes the most pitiful cry face.  It's actually pretty sweet to see the little face he makes.  He settles down after a few minutes which is great.  His caretaker is great.  She's very loving to him.  I can't tell you how good it is to know that you are leaving your child in good hands with someone who will love him and treat him well.  Knowing this makes it easier for me to function at work.  When I drop him off it feels like I'm taking him to family.  I feel very blessed to have found her.  She also puts up with all my phone calls and nonsense (aka somewhat crazy requests).  He's so tired when he gets home partly because he's not doing so well with naps (they are a lot shorter) and also because he's got two other little girls keeping him busy.  Here's a pic of him after his first day.  He was out as soon as he hit the bed.  Poor little thing.  Anyway he did not make it through his first week unscathed.  He unfortunately picked up a cold.  I was mad, mainly  because I thought him (still) being breastfed would have protected him.  I guess not.  He's got the runny nose, itchy face thing going on.  He fights me when I suction his nose and we've been using the humidifier all day when he's home.  Anyway, back to the daycare adjustment.  So, I think my kid is a trooper.  He's very social and smiley which makes it easy to love him and take care of him.  He also adapts remarkably well.  I know he'll be ok.  I also know that his caretaker won't be able to live up to my standards but that's ok too.  I can't even live up to my own standards.  What matters is that she's doing a great job so far.

Thanks for all your supportive words and prayers!

Mrs. K

Monday, August 27, 2012

Having a tough time dealing with daycare

Today my son (my baby, my one and only far) started daycare.  I must say that this is one of the hardest things I've had to do so far (and I've been through a few challenges).  It's a small home daycare where he's the youngest of 3 kids so it's not so bad (or at least that's what I'm telling myself so I can feel better).  Besides the guilt associated with dropping my kid off with some random stranger and expecting him to cope with it ok, I'm also having separation difficulties.  I went back to work when he was around 3 months old but we've had my family and my husband's family taking care of him since then.  Needless to say they've done a wonderful job and my son ate up all the love and attention.  He's definitely a sweet, loveable and well-adjusted baby.  Now he's almost 7 months old (next week) and today was his first time being taken care of by non-family.  The caretaker seems really nice and she's experienced but I have some of the usual worries that mommies have when leaving their child with someone else.  I also have some of the crazy unusual worries too.  I am praying that I'll find strength to cope with this new stressor.  My husband has been supportive which is helpful.  It's tough for him too (I think) but of course he's coping well.  At least, I haven't seen him shed any tears yet.  I, on the other hand, cannot stop crying.  My baby was crying when I left him this morning.  It's so hard to leave my child with a stranger (or anyone) especially while he's crying.  But I didn't think it would have been any better if I stayed longer.  He would have just cried when he saw me walking out the door.  I called her back an hour later and she said that he took a short nap then woke up fussing.  What?  That is so unlike my happy baby.  This is so hard.

I have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing what's best for my family.  Although, I would love to stay home with him that is not what is best for our family.  I have a career.  Hubby and I have educational debts to pay off.  It's also helpful for him to be able to socialize with other kids.  I think his development will sky-rocket from being with the older kids (18 month old girl and 3 year old girl).

This is a unique week for me (as far as my work schedule) but it works out great.  The set up this week is great for transitioning.  I'm off today so I dropped him off a little later and I will pick him up earlier so it's not the full day.  I'm also off tomorrow so I'll let him stay a little longer tomorrow.  Wednesday is a full day.  Thursday and Friday are also shorter days for me.  We'll see how it goes.

I guess I just have to love on my baby a lot more when I pick him up.  Although, I don't know if that's possible because I already do that.  Anyway, I think I'll go hit the gym (first time since his birth).  Exercise has always been a good distraction for me.  So is shopping and cleaning but I don't feel like doing either right now.

I'll update you on how his first day ended.  I welcome any tips, words of encouragement, prayers :)

Mrs. K

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Baby K: Month 6

HAPPY 6TH MONTH BIRTHDAY.  Here's a recap of what you did your 5th month.

Week 22 Part 2
-I was home with you from the 4th of July until the end of the week.  It was nice being home with you again.  You are such a joy.  We hung out at the Mannings for 4th of July.  We went to bed early and didn't see any fireworks.  Maybe next year when you may be able to appreciate them.
-You are still eating rice cereal.  I had to back off a little because I think I made you constipated.  We both got a little excited with the new found solid food and went over board.  I think I made the cereal too thick and was feeding you too frequently.  One day this week you were crying so much and I could not do anything to soothe you.  You've never been like that before.  You were so upset.  You cried nonstop for about an hour then paused then started crying again.
-Still sleeping through the night
-This week marked the end of eye goop.  Yup, your lacrimal duct is actually large enough now (and developed enough) where your left eye no longer gets clogged with goop.  Gone are days when you would  cry and leave matter around your eye or fall asleep and wake up looking like one-eyed Jack. :).  I am just happy that your dad and I don't have to keep irritating you by cleaning your eye every 2 seconds.
-We visited the home daycare that we would like you to attend at the end of the summer.  You'll be close to 7 months then.  Your dad and I like it a lot for many reasons.  The kids seem happy, there are a lot of fun activities, and more.  Of course, it's clean and safe and all that goodness.  It's also close by our home.  I like that it's still small (12 kids) and there will be 1:3 ratio of staff:babies.  You'll also be with other kids and getting some peer interaction.  Right now there's no opening but we are on the list.  We are looking into other options, just in case.  There's a regular daycare close by the hospital that your dad and I work but it's way too expensive.  It's a bilingual daycare but we are not willing to pay all that money when you haven't even started talking yet.

Week 23
-My mom and brother are in town from Jamaica and they'll be hanging out with us the whole summer.  They are so in love with you.  My mom is super excited since you are her first grandchild.  You frequently comments about sweet and pleasant you are.  And I agree.
-This week you continue to sit without support.  You are so strong.  Of course I have to put you in the seated position but then you stay there for a long time.  You're not able to go from laying to seated position yet but I'm sure it'll happen soon.  You even lean forward and sit up in the bath tub.
-You continue to reach for everything in sight and put them in your mouth.  You reach with left and right hand but you seem to favor the left.  You also hold objects with both hands.  Your dad said that being a left handed pitcher would be good some day.  I wonder what sports you'll play.  Your dad played everything but mainly baseball.  I mainly ran track.  We both were, well ARE, fast and we are sure you will be too.  We can't wait until you are running around so that we can race you!
-You are still loving your baths.  Now that you are older you are enjoying playing with your bath toys.  You prefer the Squirtin' Sea Toys.  It's so fun to watch you play with them.  Once again I try to use most of our interactions for teaching.  I want you to view learning as fun.  We name the toys and describe their texture and colors.  You smile so big and laugh so hard when I squirt you with them.  I also like placing them in the water and watch you swat at them or try to pick them up.  Sometimes you grab your feet instead of toys.
-You are still not rolling over (much) but you move forward backwards and rotate when you are on your belly and back.
-You are very loud when you babble.
-In addition to making cute little "old man faces" you are also crossing your heel over your knee when you lay on your back.  It's the cutest thing because you look so much older than your age when you do that.  You also do this one-eyebrow-raised-thingy.  It's your curious look or your "mommy you're being silly" look.
-I think you are teething and it seems like you've been doing it for quite a few weeks now BUT no tooth has popped out yet.  You do this thing where you make a fist and try to rub your mouth but you miss half the time.  It's so funny to watch.   You also slam your mouth on my shoulder which you find funny and soothing.
-One of the BIG accomplishments this week is that I started you on real solid food.  I started rice cereal not too long ago, then converted to oatmeal cereal after a few days (because I read it was less constipating).  You seem to be doing better with this.  Also, I've started you on sweet potato puree.  I'm excited because I've accomplished my goal so far to make you baby food.  I bought the Beaba Babycook and I've been making you food.  It's great because it cooks it, purees it and it can also defrost if necessary.  It is so much fun to watch you try new foods.  You initially make a face because of the new texture and taste (I guess) but then you start loving it.  It's hysterical hearing you grunt because you want more and watch you turn away when you've had enough. So far you are a good eater.  I am so excited to see you try all the new foods.  I was going to wait until 6 months to start you on solids but I was so eager.
-Towards the end of the week you were refusing solid foods but I think it's because you had some nasal congestion that lasted 2 days.
-You are still sleeping through the night (from 7 or 8pm to about 6am).  I'm very thankful for this but I do miss our brief meetings (for feeding) at night.
-This week I got to spend a lot of time with you because my workload has been lighter and will likely be this way for the next year.  Thank God.
-FYI: You have an awesome father.  He loves you so much and he's also very good to me.  I am very thankful for him and you.  I pray for our family daily.

Week 24
-Holy cow I love you.  My love for you grows everyday as I get to know you and I spend more time with you.  I think you have such a great personality.  You are seriously a cool kid.
-You are sooo smiley.  You are also laughing out loud a lot more.  Your dad makes you laugh the most.  Whenever your dad or I walk by you, you put on a HUGE gummy grin (of course, still toothless).  Your smile is to die for.
-You laugh so loud and squeaky whenever we tickle you tummy.  Even if we pretend as we are going to do it, you start cracking up.
-We introduced another solid food this week, avocado.  I think you like it.  For a few days you did not want any solids but I think that was because you had some nasal congestion.  After that was resolved you were eating again.  You like avocado better then sweet potatoes so far.  I'm also still giving you cereal (oatmeal).  You make the funniest faces when you get the sweet potatoes then you spit them out.
-This week you mimicked your dad for the first time.  While I was feeding you cereal, he was showing you how to chew and you started opening your mouth and chewing like him.  We all celebrated.  It was so sweet to watch.  It was not coincidence because you did it several times.  You did it for me once but every time your dad was able to get you to do it.
-You are not rolling over regularly but you are doing other gross motor activities.  Well, actually you rolled over 2 or 3 times this week.  Anyway, you are sitting up unsupported for a long period of time.  Also in the bath, you refuse to be reclined.  You sit forward then hold on to the sides, pull yourself up (sometimes on your knees or feet), then hang over the side.  You think it's so funny and you laugh whenever you do it.
-You still get a kick out of looking at yourself in the mirror.
-You are "talking so much" and very loud too.
-Fingers and everything you can get your hands on go in your mouth.
-You are still nursing pretty ok.  You get distracted sometimes and I have to go to a quiet area to feed you.  You are just so social.
-This week you've been napping a lot better than last week.  We decided to swaddle you for naps (although you're kinda too old) because you nap longer that way.  We think naps are important and we want you take more than 20 minutes at a time.  Because you are napping better during the daytime we also notice that you are sleeping better at night.
-We are so proud of you and you give us so much joy.  We feel very blessed and honored to be your parents.  We will work very hard to raise you well and to be good role models.  We hope to make you proud some day.
-So scratch what I said above about not rolling over.  Starting mid week  you've been a rolling mad man.  It's so adorable to watch and I got one  of your first back to belly roll on camera.  You've been rolling every time I try to change your diaper.  Whenever I pick up your legs, you roll then end up doing this head stand thing.  It's so fun to watch.  You've also been pushing forward on your belly.  I guess crawling is one of your major upcoming milestones.

Week 25
-- OMG, you are the sweetest, cutest, smiliest, bestest baby ever.  Gosh, you smile for everything AND it's the best smile I've ever seen.  It brightens my day. 
-- You smile the biggest when you see your dad.  It's so cute how you watch your dad when he enters the room.  You fuss when you see me because you want me to hold you BUT you smile and laugh when you see daddy.
-- You've been reaching your arms out to me to pick you up.  It's so cute.
-- This week you enjoyed eating bananas mixed rice cereal and breast milk.  I think that's your favorite solid food so far.  After a few days of this, I also introduced you to prunes because you had a few days without a BM.  I've been making baby food for you at home so far, except for the prunes.  We used Earth's Best which you seem to like.  You also like their cereal too.
-- This week you are continuing to sit up without support and leaning forward as if to crawl.
-- You actually started doing this funny looking crawl thing.  It's so awesome to watch.
-- You still love your baths but now they are more difficulty because you try to bite the side of the bath tub, try to stand up, hang over the side.  You are a trip.
-- I had my first bad mommy moment with you this week that I'll have to tell you about some day.
-- You are still sleeping well at night, anywhere from 10-12 hours straight through.  You also nap on average 45 minutes to 90 minutes.  I think this helps with keeping your personality pleasant.  You are also so smart and alert.
-- You make faces that look exactly like your mommies.  It's kind of weird to see.  My mom points it out every time you do it.
-- We still think you look more like daddy.  You still have straight brown hair (although you sometimes have a little curl in the front).  Those big brown eyes get me every time.  Your little lips and nose are so sweet.  I love those little fingers and toesies too.
-- Still nursing and also giving you expressed milk.  Recently you've been gumming down whenever you nurse.  Hopefully you'll quit doing that before you get teeth.
-- This week was the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics.  Mommy is filled with so much excitement especially over track.  Your mommy always wanted to compete in the Olympics for track (100m, 200m) but instead focused on school.  Your dad and I hope that one day you will go to the Olympics.  That would be cool.
-- Actually we want you to do what you like, just as long as you work hard at it.  We'll support you as long as it's honest.

Week 26 
-- We love you so much our little smiley boy.  You are just so pleasant.  It's great to be around you.  You always have a huge smile on your face.  When someone walks up to you they are greeted by that STILL toothless grin.  However your daddy makes you smile the biggest.  It's so sweet to watch you two together.
-- You are pulling up to a stand, especially in the bath tub.  We have to be extremely careful because you have no sense of danger (except for freaking out when the blender is on then you let out a loud scream which is actually so funny)
--This week you are enjoying your solid foods.  I can't believe how much you are eating and you grunt to let us know when you want more.  This week you really like the prunes and sweet peas.
-- So far you've tried sweet potatoes, bananas, carrots, prunes, sweet peas.  And of course, rice and oatmeal cereal.  We plan to try apples, butternut squash, peaches soon.  So far, I love making you baby food AND you like eating them.
-- I've been feeding you 3 solid food meals per day.  This has been you're schedule.  One bottle (5 oz) or nurse every 3 hours + bananas mixed with breast milk 1 hour after 2nd meal + Earth's Best prunes 1 hour after 3rd meal + homemade baby food for last meal (after nursing).
-- I wonder if you're starting to experience a little separation anxiety.  You are clinging to me more and want to be held by me all the time.  You'll spend a few seconds to minutes with someone else but then you are ready to come back to me.  If you hear my voice but don't see me you kind of freak out.  I know this is just one of your many interesting phases.  And you've also been reaching out towards me when you want me to pick you up.  You're so smart
-- You are still sitting up well without support.  Sometimes you lean forward and get on your knees but you don't stay there for very long.  For the past 2 weeks or so, you've been doing the military crawl.  You are very vocal but we can't make sense of any of your sounds, although some of them sound similar.
-- You love watching our dogs act silly.  We go outside almost daily so that you can observe them.  They usually make you smile or laugh.  They try to come up to you but I only let them lick your feet.
-- My mom comments about how smart you are because you are so well behaved, especially in public.  It's like you know you're not at home so you have to conduct yourself in a certain manner :).  You don't fuss or whine--you mainly smile and observe your surroundings.
-- Naps have been a little challenging this week because you want to be social.  You are still sleeping through the night but you wake up early. 
-- This week we researched childcare options and found a place for you.  It's  a home daycare and the woman keeps up to 4 kids (you'll be number 3).  She seems very sweet and the home is safe.  The other 2 kiddos seem very happy and they like you.  I think it will be a good fit.  I do worry about whether or not he'll get any educational exposure.  I also worry about what appears to be complete lack of structure (especially for a control freak like myself).  The good thing is that she's sweet and flexible and is willing to put up with some of my madness.  Our main concern is that you are well taken care of and are safe.
-- Your dad and I love everything about you.  We feel very blessed to be your parents.  I hope you stay sweet, like your dad.

Mrs. K

Mrs. K

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Olympics

I'm soooo excited about the Olympics.  I'm mostly looking forward to the "Athletics" category.  Track is my main interest (having ran for most of my life).  I can hardly contain my excitement.  When I was a little girl you could not tell me that I wouldn't be participating in the Olympics.  Actually, even now at the age of 30 I still believe that some day I'll run in the Olympics.  I root for the US in every category except for Track and Field.  I go for Jamaica (the country I was born and partly raised in).  This Olympics will be awesome.  The more I read about the athletes (in track) the more excited I get.

I'm not pleased with the opening ceremony overall but I loved seeing all the countries walking around with their flags.  I also like watching swimming, beach volleyball, gymnastics.  I love most of the activities.  I can just imagine the pride these athletes feel being able to represent their country.  Your teammates aren't just the people in your sport, it's your entire country.  Ah!  I'm just so happy right now.  Eek!

I know I'm not the only one.  Am I?

Mrs. K

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Baby K: Month 5

Week 17: Part 2
-Things have been about the same over the last few days.  Still getting up about once per night to nurse which isn't bad at all.  You get cranky in the evenings before bed because I think we may keep you up a little too late.  Bedtime routine starts at 7pm but we are thinking about making it earlier.
-Your dad and I rush home to see you everyday.  Thankfully we don't have to fight over you too much because I leave later than him and he gets home earlier than me.  So we both have some special alone time with you.
-I love seeing you and your dad together.  He knows exactly what to do to make you laugh.  He's a very good dad, as you will find out some day.  We both adore you and are very thankful for you.  You have made our already blessed lives so much richer.

Week 18:
-Auntie A continues to take care of you this week and she's doing a good job--doesn't follow all of my rules but she's doing good.  You make it so easy for people to love you.
-Mommy has been learning to be more flexible which hopefully prepare me to be a better parent to you in the future.
-This week you are still smiling and gurgling a lot.  You are all over those fingers.  Sometimes you try to put your whole hand in your mouth and gag yourself.  I think you are trying to soothe your gums.  I got you Sophie the Giraffe to help you with this.  It's so cute and you seem to like it.
-Daddy graduated this week.  We are so proud of him.  This is his final graduation.  He also passed his Boards which is awesome.  We are so thankful for all our blessings.
-Your dad sang a solo in church today.  He did a great job.  I wonder if you'll be a good singer like you dad.
-You have been holding your bottle more without support which is neat to see.  Also you've been reaching out some for objects and whenever you get them they go straight into your mouth.  In the bathtub, you appreciate the  toys and play a lot more. You've also been grabbing my hair and whatever else you can wrap your hands around.
-You love looking in the mirror at yourself.  You smile whenever you do this.
-As far as feeding, mommy is worrying a little about her supply.  You seem to like the bottle a little more this week, which concerns me.  I wonder if it's because my milk flow is low so you get frustrated and decide not to eat.

Week 19:
-Auntie L came in town this week and has been caring for you.  Gosh, you make it so easy for them to take care of you.  You are easy going (for the most part), cuddly, smiley, sweet, and handsome.
-Dad is doing a swing shift this week so it's an easy transition for you because you have him from in the morning to 2pm.
-You rolled over again this week and you've been spending a lot of time "half-rolling over."  You've rolled to your side a lot and just stayed there.
-You have also been reaching out for things more and then sticking them in your mouth.
-Still blowing spit bubbles and blowing your pacifier out of your mouth for fun.
-Mommy has been heavily researching introducing solid foods and have been buying items in preparation.  So excited to see you eat.
-Nursing better this week thankfully.
-You are babbling a lot more.  Sometimes you'll let out a high pitched sound just to test out your voice.
-Sleep is still ok.  You are getting up about once per night to eat then you go right back to sleep.
-I'm still loving it when you flash me those pearly...gums.  So cute.  According to my family, your rice grains haven't come out yet.  But you are still drooling up a flood and using your fingers to rub your gums.  You still like Sophie for gnawing on but you also like those frozen toy keys I give you.  It's so funny watching you go after them.  You act like it's a icey pop and dive mouth first after it.
-This week we visited Maple Dairy Farm again and went to church and did a little shopping.
-It's a little easier being away from you for short periods of time.  I'm not constantly worrying about you anymore.  Now I must worry once every 2 seconds :).  It's still very hard the transition back to work but I'm not a mess anymore or if I have a tough moment, I bounce back. 

Week 20:
-My grandparents were in town taking care of you this week.  They showed you so much love.  They really enjoyed the time with you and I think you enjoyed the time with them too.  They did a good job overall BUT they really didn't follow my schedule for you or most of my rules.  They didn't feed you on schedule as I requested.  They fed you like every 10 minutes (ok I'm exaggerating but it was bad).  Everytime you fussed they fed you.  Thankfully you're not a very fussy baby.  Also hardly put you down for naps.  One day your dad came home early and freaked out because they were playing with you and you looked soooo tired.  Apparently you hadn't nap the whole day so he grabbed you up and put you down to sleep.  They meant well though.  Actually they were really sweet with you.  It is such a blessing to have such supportive family.  It's amazing to know that there are other people who love you ALMOST as much as your dad and I love you.
-You had your four month visit this week.  You are doing well overall.  You are on target for all your milestones: smiling and cooing a lot, reaching for objects at times and putting them in your mouth, rolling over to your side, accidentally rolling over from belly to back, once rolled over from back to belly.  You weighed 14.3 lbs and your length is 23-3/4 inches.
-You are still drinking exclusively breast milk (about 5-6 ounces) and nursing when I'm with you.  This week you did awesome with nursing.  I love it when you stare at me when you're nursing.  You seem so content when you nurse and hold on to my finger.  I also think it's sweet that when you nurse and become drowsy, you are stroking my hand.
-You are getting so much older, no longer the newborn who just sat back and didn't do much.  Now you are so animated and full of life.  I love your personality.  When I nurse you, sometimes you'll pause and start "talking."  Daddy says when he rocks you to sleep, you sometimes "sing" to him.  You are just such a blessing.  We are really enjoying you, our sweet boy.
-You are so strong, when you are not ready to nurse, you squirm in my hands and twist your whole body.  I usually can't get you to comply until you are ready.  You are also not wanting to sit and prefer to stand.  It's funny because you refuse to bend your legs and when you are seated you just pop right back up.
-Still puking a lot but less overall.  Continuing to wake up about once per night then goes right back to sleep.

Week 21:
-Daddy's parents (Nonna and Bum Bum) are in town this week.
-We tried you in your high chair and you looked so cute.  You're still a little squirt so it swallows you up.  We've got a few pics and videos to show you when you get older.  I bet you'll grow into it soon.
-You got your first trial of solid foods this week (at the end of the week--just a few days before your 5 month birthday).  We started out with rice cereal.  We tried the Plum brand and you didn't like it too much.  You did like the Earth's Best brand.  You look so cute eating.  At first you spit it out but after I thinned out more, you took it better.  I mixed it with breast milk.  It is so much fun watching you eat out of a spoon.
-Nonna went bonkers with all the picture taking but you were so calm and cooperative.  She even took you with the dogs.  Your daddy and I freaked out and she promised not to do it again.
-Nonna gave in and let you sleep in her arms a few times.  You were just too sweet and adorable for her to put down.  She was very sad when she had to leave you to go back to Florida.  She even shed a few tears.
-You guys did a lot of playing.  She also prayed with you daily, sang to you regularly and played the piano for you.  It is just awesome to have people who love you ALMOST as much as your dad and I love you taking care of you.  We feel very blessed to have such good family support. 
-You continue to be a good eater and wake up still once per night.
-This week you are reaching out more for objects (and not just the bright colorful ones).  You also grab everything and put them in your mouth.  You've also been grabbing mommy's hair and I have gently pry it from your fingers.
-You love looking in the mirror at yourself.  When you do this, you usually give a big smile, then continue smiling at yourself.
-You met up with Abby at the mall again this week.  You guys were so cute.  Abby was playing hard to get as usual and you were trying so hard to impress (staring at her, smiling at her).
-We got you the Jumperoo this week and you're not really into it yet.  You look so confused when we put you in there.  I guess there's just too much going on.  You started fussing after about 5 min of being in there.

Week 22 Part 1:
-Erin B, our friend, took care of you for 2 days this week.  She was so good with you and you also did a great job.  She could not stop talking about how sweet and smiley you were.  You also enjoyed your frequent lols
-Erin was able to get you to like your Jumperoo so now  you don't fuss when you are in there.
-On Saturday June 30 you started sleeping through the night (bed at 8pm and wake up at sometime between 530 to 630).  Woohoo!  It's been 4 days and you're still sleeping through the night.  We hear you in your room fussing for like less than 5 minutes (sometimes 10 seconds) then you go back to sleep.  
-Daytime naps are also better overall.  We've been either swaddling only your lower body and legs (leaving both arms out) or not swaddling you at all and you still sleep ok.  You've also been waking up more happy and sometimes just play quietly in your crib until I come get you.  It's sweet to watch you develop your independence and try to play by yourself or self soothe.  I think you don't fuss as much when you get up because both your arms are not swaddled.
-I am still loving those BIG cheesey grins that show your tongue and gums.  They melt my heart everytime.
-I also love when you stare deeply in my eyes.  I wonder what you're thinking when you do that.  I have no doubts you know that I'm your mommy.  You also know you're daddy too.  
-You continue to make funny faces.  I think your going to be a laid back, fun-loving kid.  You've been making these "old man" faces with your lips folded in.  You've also been sucking in part of your top lip sometimes.  It's so funny to watch and it cracks me up every time.  You usually do it after you feed.
-You've been babbling very loudly and you sound like you are mimicking us.  We thought we heard you say daddy a few times but we are not for sure.
-You've been sitting up without support for like 30 seconds at a time, then you topple over and start smiling.  You're our little smiley bug.  You are such a happy baby.
-You've been eating rice cereal about twice per day this week.  You are still liking it and I'm wondering if it's helping you sleep through the night.  It may be a coincidence because I've heard it's a myth but since starting solid foods you've been sleeping better.
-It's so sweet when you're nursing or falling asleep and you start stroking my hand for comfort.  It's also funny when you look at me puzzled when I say something silly.
-I just love your little personality and I feel so blessed to be able to watch you grow.

Happy 5th month birthday my little love.

Mrs. K


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